South Orange Rehabilitation & Wellness
Peak performance for everyday life
The Doctors at South Orange Rehabilitation and Wellness are all knowledgeable and experienced in sports medicine procedures and techniques — expertise they offer to all of their patients.
Social Media content points out how sports injuries can happen to anyone and how SORW returns patients to their optimal performance.

Video is a significant part of the Content Strategy. “Getting to know the Doctor” videos allow prospective patents a chance to see and hear the Doctors before the first visit. Demonstration videos, of exercises and treatment programs, are both educational and promotional, building credibility for the practice.

The number one complaint of SOHW patients is backache. We created a Facebook campaign using a downloadable PDF of backache relief exercises as a lead generator. Visitors were lead to a landing page where they could download the information in exchange for their email address.
The Ad resulted in a 10% Click rate with the majority of then being people between the ages of 45 – 65.

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