Girls Quest
Rebranding a camp for girls.
Girls Quest is a “reboot” of a camp for girls in Upstate New York. The original camp closed in 2006 years ago. The redesigned/redeveloped website needed to re-establish the brand as a supportive, life-affirming experience for young girls from underserved neighborhoods of New York City.
In response to the Corona Virus Pandemic, Girls Quest converted their camp into a virtual experience. “Campers” registered for a two-week program of crafts and activities. Each Camper received a box with materials and instructions. The camp was conducted at pre-arranged periods via ZOOM. We created a logo for the program, utilizing a variation of the Girls Quest Logo, and kept the lines of communication open by maintaining their Facebook page and email newsletter, in addition to the redesigned website.

Redesigned Website
Each page of the site had a specific function, from collecting donations and signing up Alumni, to providing a way to apply for staff positions, to providing information about GQ’s Programs and History. The website is a concise, comprehensive internet presence for the Camp.

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